The Family

The Family

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas

In the interest of staying off the computer and with each other tonight and tomorrow...

Merry Christmas!

It was really cold and snowing last night, and we walked around for almost an hour before this picture. We're all shivering.

We will pray at lunch today that your Christmas will be war , safe, and full of wonder of the gift of salvation offered to us.

Thank you for being our faithful firends and partners. We appreciate you.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Toothpaste and Fig Leaves

We talk throughout the year about our fellow citizens being good and kind and generous. I normally don't offer my opinion on that, like, "The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked...", or "There is no one good, no not one..."

But doesn't Black Friday tell a different, more accurate tale of who we are? When you squeeze a tube of toothpaste, do mashed potatoes come out? When you squeeze someone looking for a bargain (printed or 'five-finger') won't their toothpaste come out.

People were arrested in a local department store today. We ask, "What have we become?" This question shows our lack of understanding of biblical truth. We have not "become" selfish me-centered jerks. We have always been selfish me-centered jerks.

What we have become are people very good at disguising our toothpaste. Or could I say, covering our toothpaste with fig leaves?

Monday, November 25, 2013

Joy in Frustration

Before I jump into what I am going to write about, let me jump to the end: I have been experiencing joy today. Now, back to this morning.

Woke up tired, cold (conserving wood), slight headache. I picked up our chainsaw to try a couple more things. It hadn't cooperated all weekend, which has put us seriously behind on fire wood.


I called a friend who suggested I should tear apart the carb. Really? I'm no mechanic even by redneck standards. Just don't really know enjuns. But why not. I carefully tore it down, cleaned it, rebuilt it according to my careful pictures I took along the way...


"God, are you aware that we have very little fire wood and I want to keep my family warm?"

"Duh." Not His exact wording, but close.

So I picked up the splitting maul and began on a large pile of logs we've collected to split later. During a break, I called the same friend. He suggested a new spark plug. Really? Really? You think $2.50 will fix my problem?

I called Michelle and asked her to look for one. Then back out to the pile to split more wood. On my way out there I was overcome with peace that it's going to be ok. I asked myself, "Are YOU aware that we have very little fire wood?" I gave myself the same answer God did.

I continued splitting, enjoying the need to be outside, enjoying the brisk air, enjoying the slight snow falling, enjoying the thud of the maul in the oak.

I tell you the truth. I really don't know why I was peaceful and joyful, except that God is maybe changing me? Not sure, just that I was enjoying time.

When Michelle returned home, I grabbed my $2.50 in a box that looked much like a spark plug and proceeded to the tool shed.

"It can't be this easy, but I know God will provide." Another moment of joy filled me.

Now, please don't get me wrong. I'm not filled with joy, nor have I learned what it means to live a joy filled life. I'm simply saying, baby steps. God has allowed me to take one small step toward living in joy even when the bad keeps being bad. As our Pastor David Gidcumb recently preached, "What about when bad things stay bad?"

No, I'm still nervous about having enough fire wood, but I'm not depressed or anxious or trying to cut down trees with my pocket knife. Nope, don't have huge amounts of faith either.

Oh, wait. I have a chainsaw in my hands. Wondered why my arms were getting so tired.

So, I stepped out of the tool shop, cranked it a few times.....

and it worked! Praise the Lord. Thank you, friend, for your advice. Thank You, Jesus, that spark plugs don't cost $250! Thank you, friend of 2 years ago, for providing this trusty chainsaw for us.

And the best part? I had no more joy after the saw emitted it's throaty growl and smoke belched from the exhaust than when I was struggling with it not working.

Wait. No more joy when it worked? That's right. Circumstances aren't supposed to dictate our level of joy. That's what excited me the most. I was happy, but not more joyful. I had a worship service and thanked my Savior for providing.

Just one small step in my spiritual growth.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"... to your children's children..."

As I sit at my desk and work through my daily routine, I can hear the kids in the other room working through their school day with Michelle. Nothing new. We've been doing this for almost 16 years.

What struck me this morning was listening to Seth read from Genesis. But this wasn't for a Bible class or his personal devotions. This was for history.

I sat, pondering for a moment, what he might be reading or being taught if we chose alternative methods for our kids' education. I hear this statement, "I was home schooled but I'm going back to "real" school this year."


What about learning a reconstructed view of history is "real"? What about hearing lectures from someone other than Michelle or I makes it somehow "real"? What about learning disrespectful attitudes from other kids is "real"? I've even heard this, "I'm too advanced in my studies for my parents." Really? They are so lucky to have you on board.

Some who have chosen other methods of educating their children feel that sharing their opinions on home schooling is ok (and it is), but that my opinion is best kept to myself. The unspoken message out there is, "If you attend "real" school you are free to talk as negative as you like about all other schools, but if you don't, especially if you are home schooled, you need to just be quiet and take it. We'll let you know later if we think you are worthy of listening to." I've actually had conversations in a vehicle (hard to escape that one) during which someone told me we were not doing all that we should by educating our children at home. When I talked about the negatives of where his children were being educated (in much more than the 3 R's), the conversation was cut off.

My turn. I'd like to begin "sharing back". I don't intend to offend. You are free to not read.

What could be more real than learning history from the only book that hasn't been altered since it's original authorship? What could be more real than learning moment by moment from two adults how to process life, both the joys and the frustrations? What could be more real than learning how to respond properly to a brother or sister, all day, every day? What could be more real than learning daily how to run a home? What could be more real than spending large amounts of time as family? Didn't God create a family in the first week?

Have you seen what happens on a daily basis in "real" schools? I have. Scares me. And no, this is NOT preparing them for life. This is preparing them to be average, just like every one else.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Irony of Camp

Cook's Short Order Update

Just A Note
Irony of Summer Camp - the more fun we're having at camp, the less time there is to tell you about it.

I'm sitting in my office at camp, with Michelle, thinking back over the summer days behind us. A couple weeks ago we were having a tough Saturday at home. Our lawn mower had broken several times, consuming much of our Saturdays to repair it. We were frustrated and wondering why, if God cares so much for us, we are scraping to get through the summer. It was the next day that an unexpected gift came through our church, New harmony. That Friday when we arrived home from camp we noticed an old riding mower in the yard. A few phone texts later and we were informed of our new gift to encourage our family. "Thank you," to our newest partner! We appreciate you.

Our summer session is done and the staff have gone home. We miss them but we are excited because of the fervency with which they left here. Not to get away, but to continue to grow in loving Jesus, and serving Him out of that love. That was our thought this summer: "I serve because I love Jesus." What a simple way to live as a Christian. It frees me to serve with a much purer heart.

Please pray for us as we adjust for the Fall phase of our ministry: raising personal partners, recruiting for next year (already???), helping at Camp for retreats and rental groups.

Not Fair
The effects of sin and sinful choices have been glaringly obvious in the weeks that this update has ben silent. Please don't mistake our silence for lack of desire for you to be involved. We have seen a steady stream of children with difficult lives come through this ministry.

Several campers stand out, though. During our first 2 weeks, senior campers are chosen to come back to learn during a week of staff training. Three guys joined us, and two of them returned and serve with excellence! The third was able to serve with us a couple days during he last week. These young men have served and served well. The only thing not fair is that none of us deserve a chance in life. Because of sin we all deserve Hell. But God's grace has given these young men a chance to serve other young men who have no hope. That's sweet!

Please help us help these children by partnering with us. We are currently at 40% persona missionary support (remember, Camp David pays us no salary - all our salary comes from you, our partners, and man, do we ever appreciate you!).

Please... pray
- as we plan support raising trips
- as we plan recruiting visits in churches, colleges, home school conventions
- for strength for our family after an exhausting summer
- that we can figure out our broken dish washer
- for new partners to join us to take us to 100% support - could it be by the first of the year???

Praise the Lord!
- for the superb staff we've enjoyed this summer - really!
- the mower He provided
- some very good Saturdays to relax as family
- a few days to unplug after the summer

Looking Ahead
- September 20-22 - 10 year Camp Anniversary Celebration - open to all
- October 19-21 - October Advance - weekend of challenge for our summer staff

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Not planning on this...

Cook's Short Order Update

We apologize for the lateness of this update. We are having some problems with our emailer.

Just a Note:
Several weeks ago we received word that Michelle's sister's, Judy, husband had died. We weren't really planning on making a trip to Indiana this soon before camp. We prayed, planned, prayed, re-planned, prayed, tossed out our plans, then finally went with what we felt was God's plan.

God repeatedly showed us through the trip that He had all things worked out. Extra money for the trip. A short visit in a supporting church. More free literature for friends overseas. A place to stay and rest. Time to visit with family. A place for Nate to stay and be able to work. Provision for our pets. God worked it all for His glory.

As soon as we returned we caught up laundry and headed to Camp David for Counselor Training. Michelle cooked. Bruce led worship and team building activities. Finally, Sunday afternoon, we drove home and crashed. Well, sort of, because Monday we headed back to camp to celebrate the close of the camp's first after school Front Porch Program. Nate and Caleb had served as mentors. We are proud of the time they gave to invest in the lives of 2 young men for several weeks.

We feel like we are finally catching up. But we praise God for providing many blessings along the way, including Pine Ridge Bible Church, Goshen, IN, who just voted to take on some of our monthly support! Thank You, God, and thank you, PRBC family!

Not Fair:
This account is very close to home and just over a month ago. We are using this story by permission from the Rolla Police Department, MO.

What a depressing job. I was dispatched to a store where a male left the cutest little 3 year old girl in his vehicle while he shopped. Windows up and the car off. When I came up she was soaked in sweat. As I was about to slim jim the vehicle opened the father ran up. I got her out and brought her to my vehicle and blasted the AC. I also gave the little girl 5 stuffed animals. I called in the father's name and wouldn't you know, he had a probation violation warrant with no bond.

The little girl started to kind of lose it and was crying and saying please don't take my daddy. Well, with a warrant we don't have a choice. I managed to put him in cuffs and into my vehicle while distracting her so she didn't have to have a permanenet image of her dad in hand cuffs. Mom was called and it took about 30 minutes for her to get there. While we waited for mom, me and the little girl went and sniffed about every single flower that this business had for sale. We were there for a while and I had dispatch call the [store] manager. He told the little girl that she could pick out whatever flowers she wanted. Needless to say, she picked out the prettiest pink flowers they had. All in all, it could ahve been a lot worse.

The gentlemand went for the warrant, the little girl didn't have to see her dad in hand cuffs, and she ended up going with mom and some pink flowers and stuffed animals. Ever wonder why we do stuff like the harlem shake at the parade? It's because the other 99% of the time we have to do stuff like this.
That's Not Fair!

Please help us help these children by partnering with us. WE are currently at 33% personal missionary support.

Please Pray:
- that we will be faithful to our family and God's plan for us
- as we seek friends/churches to partner with us (currently 33%)
- no time to recruit - we just need volunteers
- for guy counselors - we need God's help greatly here

Praise the Lord!
- we have enough girl counselors
- for a fairly restful weekend
- for Pine Ridge Bible Church partnering with us
- for two new partners to take this journey with us

Looking Ahead:
- Leadership Training begins tomorrow
- Staff Training begins in 1 week
- 2 weeks till Senior Boys

Monday, April 15, 2013

Found - more family

Cook's Short Order Update

Just a Note

We appreciate you so here's what we need to know. There are many of you that we never hear from. While we want to be involved in your lives, we don't want you to feel forced to be involved in ours. If you don't really care either way whether you receive our update or not, please feel free to unsubscribe. We won't be offended. In fact, if you have other important things consuming your time, we don't want to take up space in your inbox. So please, let us know.

On the other hand, those of you who regularly email us and keep in touch with us, thank you!

We were at Anutt Community Church yesterday to present the need at Camp as well as our personal need. We were warmly received. God used something in what we said to stir hearts. Many took information about this ministry. We are glad to have met the family at Anutt Community Church. Pastor Chuck, thank you for honoring us with this time!

Not Fair

When parents go to prison, it can precipitate trauma in the life of the child(ren) left behind. Statistically, many of these parents were "raised" by incarcerated parents. This has left them with poor examples for raising their own children. And the beat goes on... unless intervention happens.

Take Jason. His dad's been in prison for most of his life. His dad just got released. Now Jason, who's been the "man" of the home for so many years is trying to adjust to the new "man" of the home, one he's never known, one he knows did something pretty bad a long time ago. His dad doesn't understand why Jason doesn't see him as "Dad". The tension is building. Jason just wants things back the way they were. Dad just wants to be respected and take care of his family but he doesn't have the proper skills. He makes more poor decisions and ends up back in prison. Now Jason's wishing he'd given his dad a chance. It's all his fault this time.

That's not fair.

Please help us help these children by partnering with us. We are currently at 30%.

Please... pray

- as we seek friends to partner with us (currently 30%)
- as we recruit volunteers for this summer (colleges and high schoolers)
- that God will provide for our needs
- that we will be faithful to our family and God's plan for us
- for guy counselors - we need God's help greatly here

Praise the Lord!

- for a great time recruiting at the Home School Convention in Kansas City last week
- for a great visit with Anutt Community Church, MO
- for a fairly restful weekend
- for knowing that our van rim is cracked. Now we can get it replaced - it's been leaking for several weeks.
- for plenty of food to fuel us for His work
- for giving us great people to interview for camp this summer

Looking Ahead

- Father/Daughter banquet this Saturday at CDO - Kaitie will be Bruce's date!
- Presenting our need at Grace Church in Rolla, MO next Sunday
- 6 weeks till camp!!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

No Bunnies Allowed

Short Order Update

What started with a reflection on Good Friday evening, ended visually thinking about our Savior's resurrection today.
One highlight in life for me is serving the Lord's Supper to my family. I cherish every time I am allowed to do this. Good Friday at New Harmony Church provided another such occasion. Carefully chosen songs, a time of freedom for families to take the Lord's Supper together.

Saturday night found us in the living room, flickering candles our only light. We listened to several songs Michelle carefully picked to focus our attention on our crucified, buried and risen Savior.

Resurrection morning culminated in a time of wonderful worship with our church family. When we arrived home we baked cookies where a marshmallow, representing Christ (a little weird, I know), is inserted in a croissant wrap and baked. The mallow melts and "disappears," and the croissant is left empty, just like the tomb on Resurrection Sunday. We each tasted vinegar (like Jesus did on the cross) and salt (for the tears shed during this time). We crushed walnuts (for Jesus' bruised body). We talked about the significance of each visual to this weekend a couple thousand years ago.

There were no bunnies (except some chocolate ones), no hunt for eggs in the yard (but we ate some filled with marshmallows!), no baskets filled with pink "straw." We even decided from here on referring to this weekend as "Resurrection Weekend, and Resurrection Sunday," since "Happy Easter!" generates a much different image after a trip to Walmart.

Thank you to our Pastor, David Gidcumb, for your part in planning these events that our family enjoyed AS a family. We appreciate you!

Not Fair
Not everything inside prison is nastiness and bad. According to Christian Post "Unconditional" was shown inside two Florida prisons last weekend. "Unconditional" is the story of a former maximum security inmate. Why not pray that God will use this story to soften hearts of men and women who are in prison? Why not pray for their "abandoned" children as well?

Cook's Short Order UPdateP

lease help us help these children by becoming our partners. We take you very seriously. We are currently at 30%.

Please... pray
- as we seek to keep our family time precious
- as we prepare to be at a Home School conference this weekend
- as we recruit at several churches this month
- as we seek to be good stewards of every resource God gives us

Praise the Lord!
- for a wonderful celebration of our Savior this weekend
- for a wonderful church to call "home"
- for a good time of sharing with the "Basics" of First Baptist of Salem, MO
- for 2 new financial partners last month
- for warmer temperatures which means less need for wood!
- for so much work being accomplished at camp by volunteers crews!

Looking Ahead
- Several church presentations this month
- Father/Daughter banquet at CDO
- Spring!!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

We can stop now

Short Order Update
I was sitting in a nice warm office, but my toes were cold. There was a slight draft under the door. I wore my chacos thinking this was going to be a really nice warm day!

A few weeks ago, in response to a prayer need we mentioned, a mechanic with a heart contacted us to "look" at our van. I thought, "I don't have time to travel that far for you to "look" at our van. Shame on me for not trusting the Lord.

What the mechanic meant was, "I'd like to look at your vehicle and see what all of my time I can donate, and if I don't need to buy you a new van I can probably donate parts as well."

We now have adjusted rear brakes, new front brakes and rotors, new front bearings, new blower so we have heat!, and several other things tightened and adjusted that were causing other problems. So "now we can stop" worrying about our safety on the road. Friend, thank you!

Please pray for us. We are having difficulty keeping up with everything God is allowing to break, AND be ready for the summer schedule. God has a plan, and we want to graciously submit in joy to His plan.

Not Fair
Depending on the population concentration in your area, or lack thereof, there are, give or take, 9000 children of prisoners within 50 miles of your current spot in any direction! So, as you sit at your computer and read this update, thousands of American children have 1 or 2 parents, and possibly relatives as well, who are incarcerated. Many don't understand where Mom or Dad is. Many don't understand WHY Mom or Dad is not present. Most just don't understand. AND, they think they are alone.

That's not fair.

Your partnership helps us reach these kids with the hope, grace, truth of the Gospel!

Volunteers Needed
We need the following positions filled for this summer:
- Support Staff
- Counselors
- Asst. Counselors
- Angel Counselors
- Games Director
- Worship Leader
- Nurse
- Kitchen Help
- Maintenance
- Life Guard
- Graphics Director
- Photographers
- Videographers
- Sorters/Editors

Please... pray
- as we seek partners to take up our support (currently 30%)
- as we recruit volunteers for this summer (colleges and high schoolers)
- that God will provide for our needs (faithfulness, balance)
- that we will never neglect our family in this work

Praise the Lord!
- for a sweet time at a concert provided by a friend
- protection in travel and warmth and health
- windows that keep out the wind and rain, let in the sun's warmth
- lungs and bones and muscles that still work quite well
- for our van being worked on by a generous friend!!!

Looking Ahead
- Sharing at First Baptist, Salem, MO on March 28
- Presenting at Anutt Community Church in April
- Presenting at a home school conference in April
- 2 1/2 months till Summer Camp!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Cook's Short Order Update

Just a Note:

I'd met this person only through emails and second hand accounts from Michelle from her interactions. During Camp David's recent Banquet For Hope we finally got to meet face to face. What struck me was not meeting, but a comment shared later in the night. This person has their own life, their own schedule, their own cares and concerns, yet, encouraged me by stating that they were regularly praying over one of our concerns. We are so glad to have partners in ministry who pray for us. This is what we need and desire. But don't let it stop there. How can we pray for you?

God provided! Even though God allowed a nasty storm the night of the Banquet For Hope, God provided in His way. Donations were up on several levels, including more campers sponsored than last year at this time! Praise the Lord for providing!

Not Fair

We are finding through experimentation and formal studies that continued interaction between incarcerated parents and their children is vital to the health of people on both sides of the prison bars. Imagine this scenario: "When I left for prison, my 5-year-old daughter didn't understand any of the legal aspects. All she knew was that one day I was there and the next day I disappeared from her life. She felt abandoned." (Pat Nolan, VP, Prison Fellowship

That's not fair.

Intervention is THE key to keeping children of prisoners out of prison themselves. Camp David of the Ozarks offers intervention to children of prisoners during a free week of camp in the summer. Can you help us help Camp David provide this intervention?

Please... pray

- as we seek churches to take up our support (currently 30% support)
- as we recruit volunteers for this summer (colleges and high schoolers)
- that God will provide for our needs
- that our dryer will be fixed under warranty
- that we will be faithful

Praise the Lord!

- for God's provision through the Banquet For Hope
- for safety for many who traveled that night
- for great volunteers to help make this event possible

Looking Ahead

- Lining up college and church presentations
- Presenting at a home school conference in April
- 3 months till Summer Camp!!!

Friday, February 22, 2013


Praise the Lord!

- for a good attendance at the Banquet For Hope last night - approx 200 guests
- for good initial numbers from pledges and donations
- for safety for all on the roads

More coming on Monday

Monday, February 18, 2013


Cook's Short Order Update

Just a Note
So thankful for warmer weather! We like winter, sort of, but we love spring!

What a busy week. Basketball tourney started Friday evening about 90 minutes away, and lasted all day Saturday. Caleb had some great time on the floor, gaining some points and rebounds for his team. It was a long day, but we were able to connect with a few of our summer staff and spend time with the camp's intern, Bekah Kessler. We finished off the weekend playing and singing some worship songs as a family. It's Monday now, and we are hard at it. Pray that we will always be a blessing to those we bump into and that Jesus will blaze through.

Not Fair
I read recently of a woman, mother to 8 children, who spent 3 weeks in a prison in New York because she couldn't post the necessary $75 bail money. We are too willing to cast judgement on this female, stating, "She should be more careful," both in reproduction and in life choices. Did you know that during her 21 days in prison she knew nothing of the status of her children? Did you know that during her 21 days in prison her children knew nothing of their mother's location? Just that she had been taken away.

That's not fair.
Please help us help these children by supporting us with prayer and gifts. We are currently at 30%.

Please... pray
- as we seek churches to take up our support (currently 30%)
- as we recruit volunteers for this summer (colleges and high schoolers)
- that God will provide for our needs (finances, wood for our furnace, rest, balance)
- that we will be faithful

Praise the Lord!
- for a fun weekend as family and a new friend - thanks for hanging with us Bekah!
- protection in travel and warmth and health
- windows that keep out the wind and rain, let in the sun's warmth
- hearts that still pump blood to our bodies
- all the volunteers we need as Door Greeters at the coming Banquet For Hope!

Looking Ahead
- Banquet for Hope – CDO’s annual fund raiser - this Thursday
- Presenting at a home school conference in April
- 3 months till Summer Camp!!!


Cook's Short Order Update

A week late but...

Just a Note:

Busy. Not cliche or complaining, just reality.

Last week found us in Arkansas at the Ozarks Sectional 3CA camp conference. This is a refreshing time of networking with others in camp ministry, praying, learning, worshipping together, for the purpose of helping each other serve our camps better.

Our big "take-away" was when Ozark Sectional President, Scott Shaw, shared his testimony, ending with the charge, "Don't just try harder. Do something different!"

We are so proud of our kids while we were gone. Caleb and Nate stayed "home alone" and did quite well, fixing themselves a small banquet for one meal. So, Michelle is no longer cooking for them! Just kidding.

We are grateful that we can leave our children in the care of the Father and know they are well taken care of. We also appreciate a good friend for caring for Seth and Kaitie. Thank you!

Not Fair:

Did you know that some prison inmates, even those convicted of violent crime, are not all lifelong violent criminals? Many are very decent people who just made one choice that tipped the incarceration scales. Imagine what knowing that mom or dad is guilty of a violent crime may do in the mind of a child. Imagine what knowing that YOUR mom or dad is "that prisoner" could do in the mind of a child.

That's not fair! Please help us help these children by supporting us with prayer and gifts.

Please pray:

- as we seek churches to take up our support (currently 30%)
- as we recruit volunteers for this summer
- that God will provide for our needs (finances, wood, rest, balance)
- that we will be faithful

Praise the Lord!

- for new supporters last month
- protection in travel and over our children last week
- walls and a roof to keep us warm and dry
- breath in our lungs

Looking Ahead:

- Banquet for Hope - CDO's annual fund raiser
- Camp starting in 3 months!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Cook's Short Order Update

** Just a Note
Sunday we had the honor, not only of presenting our ministry at our home church, New Harmony, but also of sharing the time with our ministry founder, Ben Smith. Ben spoke on things that have happened in the last year, like the new office building at camp and the blessing that the body of Christ is. Michelle and I recounted things from this past summer that impacted us. We want to thank our Pastor, David Gidcumb, for allowing us this time.

It was encouraging to get feedback both during the presentation and at our display table. We appreciate those of you who have chosen to be involved in our ministry through prayer and donations.

** Not Fair
Children whose parents are incarcerated have many questions and many things they don't really understand. Just because Mom or Dad got arrested for doing something wrong does not mean the child understands. Often, when a parent is arrested in view of a child, the child is not told where the parent is going. The officers may not know at that point. These children are left wondering and confused.

That's not fair.

Please help us help these children by supporting us with prayer and gifts.

** Please... pray
- for strength and discernment: we feel stretched in many directions
- that we will be able to schedule presentation and recruiting visits in churches
- that we will always be a ministry to our children
- for wood for our furnace

** Praise the Lord!
- that Bryan is with us for a few more days
- for encouraging friends and times at our church
- for time to present our ministry in our home church
- fun time in basketball for Kaitie and Caleb this weekend
- a new regular supporter joined our team - THANK YOU!

** Looking Ahead
Our latest update letter should be in the mail this week!
Banquet for Hope - CDO's annual scholarship fund raiser

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Cook's Short Order Update

Just a Note

This past week evangelist Ken Freeman shared several nights and Sunday with out church. Challenging words. Friday, he met the students in an assembly at the high school, and challenged them to make wise choices. As I picked up the students from the high school, I asked them what they thought of Mr. Freeman. Responses were positive, so I invited them to be my personal guests at church the rest of the week. Several showed up on Saturday night! Get that? Teens showing up at a church on a Saturday night! During the invitation many people made the decision to give their lives to Jesus. One young man, from clear in the back, left his friend, and made the decision to become a Christian! He was one of the teens I invited. Praise the Lord for the opportunity to invest in these lives, for a few minutes a day during January.

That Ain't Right

There are, on average, 9000+ children of prisoners within 50 miles in any direction from your current location.
There are more than 1.7 million children of prisoners within the United States.
Few have ever had a personal visit with their incarcerated parent.
Almost 1/2 of all prisoners are parents of children under the age of 10.

That ain't right.

Please help us help these children by supporting us with prayer and gifts.

Please... pray

- for our support, so that soon we will be able to give our full attention to CDO
- that we will be able to schedule presentation and recruiting visits in churches
- that we will find a place closer to camp
Praise the Lord!

- that Bryan is with us for a while
- for a beautiful place to call home
- for smoke in the chimney - HEAT!
- for a great week with our church family!
- another family who has joined our team of supporters!

Looking Ahead

Finishing update letter and mailing list update
Banquet for Hope - CDO's annual scholarship fund raiser

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012-12-24 Short Order Update

Cook's Short Order Update

Notice anything different? The format? It's because we are using a new email format. If you want to try it out just email us at and let Bruce know. You can unsubscribe at any time.

** Just a Note
God has interesting timing. In the last couple days He generously supplied extra donations in our mail box and we were breathing thanks to Him. Then, He decided it should be spent on vehicle repair as our van has asked for a gasket replacement and new alternator. Several hundred dollars later, our horse is ready to carry us places again. We thank God for providing what was needed in advance of the need.

We have been blessed with several new supporters. A few individuals have contacted us this month saying they will be helping with our support beginning in January. One is a story of God's providence through the years. In short, someone we supported years ago is now on our support team, both through prayer and finances.

** That Ain't Right
Names changed for safety.

One day this summer, Michelle watched and listened as Grange told a much younger boy, Ty, that he should be with his counselor. Ty didn't see the need. After some conversation Grange insisted because it would be safer that way. Ty still didn't understand. Grange, not knowing who Michelle was, told Ty that, "You don't know what this lady might do." Ty laughed because he knew Michelle. With concern in his voice, Grange said that Ty might not be safe if Grange's dad, or someone like him, came up the driveway at camp. Grange is just a teen.

That ain't right.

** Please... pray
- for our campers - Christmas and New Years Day are tough times for them and their single parent moms/dads
- that we will soon be at full support so our attention won't be so spread out
- that we will find quality staff for this summer
- that we will find a place closer to camp

** Praise the Lord!
- that Bryan is with us for a few weeks!
- for time to refresh as a family last week
- for a beautiful place to call home - THANKS friends!
- for wind in the trees around our home
- several new supporters

** Looking Ahead
New Update Letter coming to your box this month - if you have moved please let us know your new address asap.
Banquet for Hope - CDO's annual scholarship fund raiser