The Family

The Family

Monday, October 24, 2011


Cook's Short Order Update

Genesis 1:13 "There was evening and there was morning, a third day."

"If Genesis 1 is not true, tell me where we begin believing the Bible?" ~ Dr. Tommy Mitchell

1. Upcoming Fall Youth Retreat. Pray for the speaker, Fred Kornis.
2. That God will soon provide our ministry with a General Director and other staff positions.
3. That we will be faithful servants of Jesus, our church family, our guests at Camp, and our fellow staff

1. For a super Creation Conference.
2. For the literal teaching of Genesis 1 during the Conference.
3. For our Pastor, David Gidcumb, who faithfully teaches the truth as it is written.
4. For Skype. We had a good time chatting with Nate the other day.
5. For Seth getting over a very short flu time.

Bruce Cook
Outdoor Education Director
Bible Impact Ministries
St. James, MO

for Michelle (gorgeous to the end), Bryan (21), Nate (19), Caleb (15), Kaitie (12), Seth (9)

Outdoor Education Director
Whispering Winds Bible Camp
St. James, MO 65449

Monday, October 17, 2011


Cook's Short Order Update

Genesis 1:12 "The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit with seed in them, after their kind; and God saw that it was good."

"How bravely autumn paints upon the sky the gorgeous fame of summer which is fled!" - Thomas Hood
1. Creation Conference this Friday and Saturday. Pray for Dr. Tommy Mitchell to have strength and clarity as he speaks. He has conferences on either side of ours.
2. That God will soon provide our ministry with a General Director and other staff positions.
3. That our family will always be faithful to Jesus Christ.
1. For a beautiful Fall season.
2. For God's love and faithfulness.
3. Cooler temps and lower humidity. Missouri is really quite beautiful in the Fall!
4. Our pastors at New Harmony Church, who preach and teach faithfully. Thank you, men!
Our current regular monthly support is about 50%. Thank you for being faithful partners with us!

for Michelle (gorgeous to the end), Bryan (21), Nate (19), Caleb (15), Kaitie (12), Seth (9)

Outdoor Education Director
Whispering Winds Bible Camp
St. James, MO 65449

Monday, October 10, 2011


Cook's Short Order Update

Genesis 1:11 "Then God said, 'Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit after their kind with seed in them'; and it was so."

"The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn." R.W.Emerson. Isn't God amazing?!

1. Upcoming retreats this month - that we will be a blessing to our guests
2. Creation Conference at Whispering Winds Bible Camp - Oct. 21-22 - that God will give Dr. Mitchell clear communication
3. Faithfulness in home, church, ministry

1. Souls being saved in our church
2. Spiritual growth in our family
3. Our kids being excited about serving
4. Nate's school bill is taken care of through September

Our current regular monthly support is about 50%. Thank you for being faithful partners with us!

for Michelle (gorgeous to the end), Bryan (21), Nate (19), Caleb (15), Kaitie (12), Seth (9)

Outdoor Education Director
Whispering Winds Bible Camp
St. James, MO 65449

Monday, October 3, 2011


Cook's Short Order Update

Genesis 1:10 "God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of the waters He called seas; and God saw that it was good."

"Men, like rivers become crooked by following the line of least resistance." Edvard Raasted. "God, help me and my family always be brave." Bruce

1. Upcoming Creation Conference, Oct. 21-22. Dr. Tommy Mitchell of AiG is our speaker.
2. Faithfulness in whatever God asks of us.
3. For continued faithful prayer and financial support. For those who support us now, "Thank you!", from our hearts.
4. For each of us (Bruce, Michelle, Bryan, Nate, Caleb, Kaitie, Seth) to look more like Jesus each day.

1. God's Holy Spirit!
2. Good very first LOG Cabin School classes the last two weeks.
3. For our kids who are blessing us with their lives! God has been so good to us!

for Michelle (gorgeous to the end), Bryan (21), Nate (19), Caleb (15), Kaitie (12), Seth (9)

Outdoor Education Director
Whispering Winds Bible Camp
St. James, MO 65449