The Family

The Family

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Cook's Short Order Update

Would it be weird to start an update letter following a total-loss house fire, "It's been pleasant"? Ok, "pleasant" may be over simplifying, but it hasn't been a horrifying experience. Tough, scary, but not horrifying.

Since our home burned to the ground, with 98% of our worldly possessions in it, just over 3 weeks ago, we have experienced many ups and downs, some strong emotions, some peaceful days. But what we haven't experienced is the emotion draining stuff that normally follows trauma.

Please understand, there are 7 in our family, and each of us is interacting with this event differently. One might choose to not talk about things. Another chooses to talk very freely about emotions or struggles or disturbing dreams. Please pray for Dad and Mom as we seek to listen and help each precious gift process through thoughts and struggles and growth. Don't forget, even though Bryan is not living with us, this has affected him as well.

We are working on many many things, building the new life God has put in front of us. Two big hurdles to cross are 1) Finding a place to rent/buy and 2) Itemizing our home's contents (this will be difficult, to say the least, as we think through specific things that are gone).

Many of you have asked, "How can we help? What do you need?" We want to say, "Everything." But that could be dangerous. We don't have that much space :), and we don't want to move it all when God provides a more permanent place. So, for now, we are sticking with just the basics to get through the next few weeks. When God provides a home for us to call "home," for whatever length of time He gives it to us, we will begin posting more specific things that will help us continue serving Him.

As always, prayer is the most needed thing. We have sensed this going on so much as we have navigated the past 3 weeks.

To God be the glory!! Hallelujah! What an AWESOME God and Savior!

Gratefully serving with you,
Bruce, Michelle, Bryan, Nate, Caleb, Kaitie, and Seth