The Family

The Family

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

No Bunnies Allowed

Short Order Update

What started with a reflection on Good Friday evening, ended visually thinking about our Savior's resurrection today.
One highlight in life for me is serving the Lord's Supper to my family. I cherish every time I am allowed to do this. Good Friday at New Harmony Church provided another such occasion. Carefully chosen songs, a time of freedom for families to take the Lord's Supper together.

Saturday night found us in the living room, flickering candles our only light. We listened to several songs Michelle carefully picked to focus our attention on our crucified, buried and risen Savior.

Resurrection morning culminated in a time of wonderful worship with our church family. When we arrived home we baked cookies where a marshmallow, representing Christ (a little weird, I know), is inserted in a croissant wrap and baked. The mallow melts and "disappears," and the croissant is left empty, just like the tomb on Resurrection Sunday. We each tasted vinegar (like Jesus did on the cross) and salt (for the tears shed during this time). We crushed walnuts (for Jesus' bruised body). We talked about the significance of each visual to this weekend a couple thousand years ago.

There were no bunnies (except some chocolate ones), no hunt for eggs in the yard (but we ate some filled with marshmallows!), no baskets filled with pink "straw." We even decided from here on referring to this weekend as "Resurrection Weekend, and Resurrection Sunday," since "Happy Easter!" generates a much different image after a trip to Walmart.

Thank you to our Pastor, David Gidcumb, for your part in planning these events that our family enjoyed AS a family. We appreciate you!

Not Fair
Not everything inside prison is nastiness and bad. According to Christian Post "Unconditional" was shown inside two Florida prisons last weekend. "Unconditional" is the story of a former maximum security inmate. Why not pray that God will use this story to soften hearts of men and women who are in prison? Why not pray for their "abandoned" children as well?

Cook's Short Order UPdateP

lease help us help these children by becoming our partners. We take you very seriously. We are currently at 30%.

Please... pray
- as we seek to keep our family time precious
- as we prepare to be at a Home School conference this weekend
- as we recruit at several churches this month
- as we seek to be good stewards of every resource God gives us

Praise the Lord!
- for a wonderful celebration of our Savior this weekend
- for a wonderful church to call "home"
- for a good time of sharing with the "Basics" of First Baptist of Salem, MO
- for 2 new financial partners last month
- for warmer temperatures which means less need for wood!
- for so much work being accomplished at camp by volunteers crews!

Looking Ahead
- Several church presentations this month
- Father/Daughter banquet at CDO
- Spring!!!

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