The Family

The Family

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in His own image. In the image of God He created Him. Male and female He created them."

What an amazing first week of campers. Michelle and I had a difficult time keeping up, not really having a clear picture of the flow of things. But several of the Support Staff are alumni and were graciously helpful and patient with us. Thank you, guys! Nate has depended on God in a new way as the Worship Leader. Caleb is busy between work at Burger King and work at Camp. Kaitie is fitting well on the Support Staff Team and Seth on the Green Team.

Pray for us as we invest in these precious teens day by day. They are quickly finding a permanent home in our hearts.

Friday as the Leadership Team was debriefing the week we heard someone hollering. We looked outside to see a small brush fire growing from a burn pile. In just a few moments the entire staff pulled together and had the blaze under control. God protected us!

Thanks for sticking with us and praying for us. We love you,
for Michelle (my lovely best friend), Bryan (21), Nate (20), Caleb (16), Kaitie (13), Seth (9)

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Cook's Short Order Update

Genesis 1:26 "Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.' "

Leadership Training Week at Camp David of the Ozarks is done. This was such a sweet time of fellowship and training with the Leadership team, getting to know personalities and such. Really were stretched and blessed!

Tomorrow, all the Support Staff (Michelle's and my main responsibility), Counselors, and Volunteers for the summer will arrive for another intense week of training, relating, planning, working; you get the idea. That's about 60 new people this week. We're really excited and nervous about this phase of the summer!

For those who follow us on Facebook, soon we will be migrating from our current Facebook Group, Friends of the Cook Family, to a Facebook Page by the same title. The main difference is that it will look more like a personal profile and You will "Like" it instead of waiting on us to approve your request. We think it will look more like "home".

Hope to see you there!

Thanks for sticking with us and praying for us. We love you,
for Michelle (my lovely best friend), Bryan (21), Nate (20), Caleb (16), Kaitie (13), Seth (9)