The Family

The Family

Monday, February 18, 2013


Cook's Short Order Update

Just a Note
So thankful for warmer weather! We like winter, sort of, but we love spring!

What a busy week. Basketball tourney started Friday evening about 90 minutes away, and lasted all day Saturday. Caleb had some great time on the floor, gaining some points and rebounds for his team. It was a long day, but we were able to connect with a few of our summer staff and spend time with the camp's intern, Bekah Kessler. We finished off the weekend playing and singing some worship songs as a family. It's Monday now, and we are hard at it. Pray that we will always be a blessing to those we bump into and that Jesus will blaze through.

Not Fair
I read recently of a woman, mother to 8 children, who spent 3 weeks in a prison in New York because she couldn't post the necessary $75 bail money. We are too willing to cast judgement on this female, stating, "She should be more careful," both in reproduction and in life choices. Did you know that during her 21 days in prison she knew nothing of the status of her children? Did you know that during her 21 days in prison her children knew nothing of their mother's location? Just that she had been taken away.

That's not fair.
Please help us help these children by supporting us with prayer and gifts. We are currently at 30%.

Please... pray
- as we seek churches to take up our support (currently 30%)
- as we recruit volunteers for this summer (colleges and high schoolers)
- that God will provide for our needs (finances, wood for our furnace, rest, balance)
- that we will be faithful

Praise the Lord!
- for a fun weekend as family and a new friend - thanks for hanging with us Bekah!
- protection in travel and warmth and health
- windows that keep out the wind and rain, let in the sun's warmth
- hearts that still pump blood to our bodies
- all the volunteers we need as Door Greeters at the coming Banquet For Hope!

Looking Ahead
- Banquet for Hope – CDO’s annual fund raiser - this Thursday
- Presenting at a home school conference in April
- 3 months till Summer Camp!!!

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