The Family

Tuesday, October 28, 2014
No Agenda
I'm fired up. No, actually, I'm ticked off! Not the best time to be writing my thoughts. And.... here goes.
I recently read a social media posting that the public school has no agenda, that teachers do all they can just to get kids to read, let alone get them to believe a certain thing. Well, if this is true, why are we wasting so much money failing? It is the rare public school that graduates excellent students. I'm not talking about academic excellence. I'm talking about excellent students. Young people who are excellent. Not run-of-the-mill introductees to adult society. EXCELLENT.... people.
Indoctrination. Like what is portrayed or not, the public school system has an agenda. An aggressive, anti-God agenda. Some schools are "Christian friendly", whatever that means, and some are aggressively against God and anything that hints of God. We used to live in a community with a "normal" public school. I had several Christian friends who worked in that school. They regularly boasted about how many teachers and staff were Christians. I even heard this comment once: "There are so many Christian teachers and staff that [---] is practically a Christian school." Practically? In practice this public school acted as a Christian school? Really? The last time I talked to one of the teachers about the school they said drugs were still a big problem. Sounds Christian in practice to me.
Practically Christian. No agenda.
Our public school system is NOT seeking to bring our kids to a position of better servants of our Lord Jesus. You may argue that it's not designed for that. Yet Christians keep arguing the benefit of having Christian kids influenced by and influencing the public school. A mission field for young Christians. You, saved and redeemed Christian teacher, may be seeking to build stronger Christians, but our public school system is not. The history of our public school system may have been rooted in good principled thought (yes, I believe at one time a dictionary may have been a major text book, and the Ten Commandments were mandatory memorized material is certain public schools), but we aren't there now, brother.
Agenda? Yes. Our public school system has an agenda, as set by the Board of Education (BOE), which is an arm of a fat government. Those who are failing to set strict conservative financially, spiritually, familially sound principles for our nation are dictating to its educational agency what is to be taught and tested upon in our public school system. Yes. Our public schools have an agenda, and it's NOT helping our country develop people of excellent moral character.
No agenda?
I rarely hear of public schools teaching ANY world view on natural history apart from uniformitarianism (more commonly know as "The Theory of Evolution", which, by the way, it's not a theory. It's an hypothesis - a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation (Google). You have to have abundant evidence for a hypothesis to become a theory. There is no evidence of one life form making the jump to add new information to become a different life form or add anything to it's original state). It's actually a faith system. Hence, the "ism". But the BOE would sooner be called terrorist than admit teaching religion in the public school. No agenda? Teaching only one poorly researched and evidenced world view sounds like an agenda to me. A very narrow minded agenda.
Yes, I expect many many reactions to what I have posted. And no, I'm not backing down. This may be a way to reduce my friend count on Facebook. Please, freely respond. I will not block or delete unless you attack other individuals or use unnecessary language.
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