The Family

The Family

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Cook's Short Order Update

"God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness." Genesis 1:4

"Why did not somebody teach me the constellations and make me at home in the starry heavens, which are always overhead, and which I don't half know to this day." Thomas Carlyle

Several have asked in the past few months what we do in the "off-season". Now that it's almost over, here is part of what's been going on since last August:

Raising support - contacting churches, individuals
Searching resources for Outdoor Education including conservation department
Catching up on rest and family time from 100+ hr/weeks from the summer
Regular property hikes to identify potential Outdoor Education material
Contacting agencies for training for various requirements for my job (CDL, Lifeguard, CPR/1stAid, Ropes Course Manager)
Attend various job related conferences
Summer Staff (Counselors, Camp Crew) recruitment trips
Learning as much as possible about Ropes Courses to facilitate my role as Ropes Course Manager
Working on three Masters classes to finish by May 2011
Learning new software to be more efficient and productive
Sorting/Organizing/Editing 50,000+ data base of photos for this ministry
Keeping Facebook content fresh on multiple pages
Photograph ongoing life of ministry and missionaries
Working on Ideas for Outdoor Education website as well as Facebook page
Build projects to use in Outdoor Education
Research places to gain ongoing education/professional development for myself
Keep regular contact with summer staff to monitor their spiritual growth as well as maintain relationships built through summer season
Supervise cleaning of facilities prior to each rental group (we've had 14 since the summer session)
Research needed facilities and costs
Assist with annual budget proposal
Develop material for Outdoor Education Classes
Evaluate previous summer programs to adjust for next season
Develop new brochure for new Outdoor Education program
Develop philosophy and mission for new Outdoor Education program
Help develop new brochures for all existing programs for coming summer
Help design new t-shirts for coming summer
Inspect ropes equipment and purchase replacement gear as necessary
Write devotionals for 7 days/6 weeks for Summer Staff
Plan weekend activities for 8 weeks for Summer Staff
Evaluate Summer Staff for future summer needs
Build/Manage/Maintain trails
Conduct pre-trips for all off campus trips (multi-day adventure trips, day canoe and tubing trips)
Help coordinate A/V for retreats, rentals
Help facilitate program for retreats, rentals

Now the summer is racing toward us. Pray for us as we prepare.

Thank you for sticking with us,
Michelle (my best friend), Bryan (20), Nate (19), Caleb (15), Kaitie (11), Seth (8)

Outdoor Education Director
Whispering Winds Bible Camp
St. James, MO

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