What struck me this morning was listening to Seth read from Genesis. But this wasn't for a Bible class or his personal devotions. This was for history.
I sat, pondering for a moment, what he might be reading or being taught if we chose alternative methods for our kids' education. I hear this statement, "I was home schooled but I'm going back to "real" school this year."
What about learning a reconstructed view of history is "real"? What about hearing lectures from someone other than Michelle or I makes it somehow "real"? What about learning disrespectful attitudes from other kids is "real"? I've even heard this, "I'm too advanced in my studies for my parents." Really? They are so lucky to have you on board.
Some who have chosen other methods of educating their children feel that sharing their opinions on home schooling is ok (and it is), but that my opinion is best kept to myself. The unspoken message out there is, "If you attend "real" school you are free to talk as negative as you like about all other schools, but if you don't, especially if you are home schooled, you need to just be quiet and take it. We'll let you know later if we think you are worthy of listening to." I've actually had conversations in a vehicle (hard to escape that one) during which someone told me we were not doing all that we should by educating our children at home. When I talked about the negatives of where his children were being educated (in much more than the 3 R's), the conversation was cut off.
My turn. I'd like to begin "sharing back". I don't intend to offend. You are free to not read.
What could be more real than learning history from the only book that hasn't been altered since it's original authorship? What could be more real than learning moment by moment from two adults how to process life, both the joys and the frustrations? What could be more real than learning how to respond properly to a brother or sister, all day, every day? What could be more real than learning daily how to run a home? What could be more real than spending large amounts of time as family? Didn't God create a family in the first week?
Have you seen what happens on a daily basis in "real" schools? I have. Scares me. And no, this is NOT preparing them for life. This is preparing them to be average, just like every one else.