The Family

The Family

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

We can stop now

Short Order Update
I was sitting in a nice warm office, but my toes were cold. There was a slight draft under the door. I wore my chacos thinking this was going to be a really nice warm day!

A few weeks ago, in response to a prayer need we mentioned, a mechanic with a heart contacted us to "look" at our van. I thought, "I don't have time to travel that far for you to "look" at our van. Shame on me for not trusting the Lord.

What the mechanic meant was, "I'd like to look at your vehicle and see what all of my time I can donate, and if I don't need to buy you a new van I can probably donate parts as well."

We now have adjusted rear brakes, new front brakes and rotors, new front bearings, new blower so we have heat!, and several other things tightened and adjusted that were causing other problems. So "now we can stop" worrying about our safety on the road. Friend, thank you!

Please pray for us. We are having difficulty keeping up with everything God is allowing to break, AND be ready for the summer schedule. God has a plan, and we want to graciously submit in joy to His plan.

Not Fair
Depending on the population concentration in your area, or lack thereof, there are, give or take, 9000 children of prisoners within 50 miles of your current spot in any direction! So, as you sit at your computer and read this update, thousands of American children have 1 or 2 parents, and possibly relatives as well, who are incarcerated. Many don't understand where Mom or Dad is. Many don't understand WHY Mom or Dad is not present. Most just don't understand. AND, they think they are alone.

That's not fair.

Your partnership helps us reach these kids with the hope, grace, truth of the Gospel!

Volunteers Needed
We need the following positions filled for this summer:
- Support Staff
- Counselors
- Asst. Counselors
- Angel Counselors
- Games Director
- Worship Leader
- Nurse
- Kitchen Help
- Maintenance
- Life Guard
- Graphics Director
- Photographers
- Videographers
- Sorters/Editors

Please... pray
- as we seek partners to take up our support (currently 30%)
- as we recruit volunteers for this summer (colleges and high schoolers)
- that God will provide for our needs (faithfulness, balance)
- that we will never neglect our family in this work

Praise the Lord!
- for a sweet time at a concert provided by a friend
- protection in travel and warmth and health
- windows that keep out the wind and rain, let in the sun's warmth
- lungs and bones and muscles that still work quite well
- for our van being worked on by a generous friend!!!

Looking Ahead
- Sharing at First Baptist, Salem, MO on March 28
- Presenting at Anutt Community Church in April
- Presenting at a home school conference in April
- 2 1/2 months till Summer Camp!!!