Genesis 1:29 Then God said, “I now give you every seed- bearing plant on the face of the entire earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." I think this verse is so incredible. God could have provided something boring with full nutrition and no flavor that would enable us to live in health. Instead, He provided immense variety and flavor and texture, just because he cares about us!
We are done with summer camp at Camp David of the Ozarks. Once we get an end-of-summer-sneaking-into- fall
prayer letter out, we will be more detailed on how God has worked and
blessed. Right now we are at Camp David, "watching" the facilities while
others are getting a much needed break. Thank
you for praying for us through out this summer. It was evident as we
ran out of strength and God sustained us that others were before God on
our benefit.
is staying home this year, to work, and serve with us at New Harmony
Church. Pray for God's leading and provisions as he seeks to obey his
school will be starting in a few weeks, and Bruce is looking at some
work opportunities as we seek what God has ahead for us. Pray for our
hearts to be open to His directions.
With much love and appreciation,
for Michelle (my lovely best friend), Bryan (21), Nate (20), Caleb (16), Kaitie (13), Seth (10)