The Family

The Family

Friday, June 10, 2011


"Then God said, "Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." Genesis 1:6

"I believe in God, only I spell it Nature." - Frank Lloyd Wright. The problem is too many people would agree with Mr. Wright. How very very sad.

Camp has started. Last week was Summer Staff training. We started with a small fire on Sunday as Camp Crew arrived, a mix up on cabin assignments on Monday, late additions to the camper attendance, a fight midweek. I have been filling the role of Program Director so most of this fell to me to deal with. God was gracious and helped us through.

We had a great time training, teaching, learning to love our staff. They are wonderful people and are making this ministry run smoothly. This week is our first Junior Resident and Teen Wilderness camps. Almost done and getting ready for next week: Junior Wilderness and Teen Resident.

The days are long now and Michelle and I are both working long hours. Nate and Caleb are working hard as Counselor and Camp Crew. Please pray for Kaitie and Seth as we are separated much. It is becoming hard on them.

Good news!!:
So far 5 have accepted Christ as their Savior this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Current Support level: approx 50%.

Thank you for sticking with us,
Bruce, Michelle (brains and beauty of the outfit), Bryan (20), Nate (19), Caleb (15), Kaitie (12), Seth (8)

Outdoor Education Director
Summer Staff Supervisor
Whispering Winds Bible Camp
St. James, MO