The Family

The Family

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Cook's Short Order Update

Let's stay in touch:
Facebook Page...Cooks at Whispering Winds Bible Camp
Bible Impact Ministries
Quarterly Prayer Letter Update (we need your physical address)

My new address at Bible Impact Ministries/Whispering Winds Bible Camp:

Praise the Lord!!! Sarah, one of our teens, became God's child this weekend! Two more friends have joined our team, taking our support to about 35%. My boss has offered to move a van load of stuff to our new home. God bless you Jay! We're finding it hard to focus on enjoying our last few days in West Virginia while we focus on preparing to leave. We have cleaned the basement, emptied the attic, and now focus on packing each room. We invite each of you to join us at Mount Tabor Baptist Church, Beckley, WV as we are commissioned as missionaries of MTBC. It will be an honor to see you there.

Our Calendar
Now Frantically pack the house
May 2 Commissioning Service at MTBC, 11am
May 3 Pack the moving truck
May 4 Clean our apartment
May 5 Move to Missouri
May 6 Unload the truck
May 7 Sleep for a while

Please pray that:
1. God will protect and help Sarah grow (a brand new Christian).
2. God will prepare us for ministry with the Counselors and Camp Crew at WWBC this summer.
3. God will prepare the hearts of those who will experience WWBC this year.
4. God will provide as we go on faith to serve at WWBC this summer.
5. God will provide churches and individuals who will commit to take our support level from 35% to 100%. Will you ask Him if He wants you to join our team?

We appreciate you,
~Bruce for
Michelle (getting more beautiful), Bryan (19), Nate (18), Caleb (14), Kaitie (10), and Seth (7)