The Family

The Family

Monday, February 22, 2010


Cook's Short Order Update

Let's stay in touch:
Facebook Page (Video and text) (Video and text)
Quarterly Prayer Letter Update (we need your physical address)

Reminder: we will eventually stop sending our Short Order Update from our personal Facebook friends lists and update only through our facebook page at Cooks at Whispering Winds Bible Camp, our blog at, or email as you see above.

Last update we had planned on moving to Missouri around mid-May. That date has changed to May 5th. Before that, we need funds to move. God has already provided part of this expense but there is still more need.

After talking with the Dean of the graduate program at ABC it became clear that another year will be needed to complete Bruce's graduate studies. This will allow for more thorough research and a better project for God's glory.

God is quickly lining up Summer Staff for Whispering Winds Bible Camp. Pray as Bruce prepares to lead and disciple these awesome teens and college students this summer. As Summer Staff we are stepping out in faith that God will provide for all our needs. Our only income this summer will be through your support. Currently we are at 30%. However, the BIM Board of Directors is requiring us to resume support-raising at the end of the summer. We praise the Lord for their willingness to let us serve for the summer. Can't wait!!!

Please pray that:
1. God will give us grace in the months ahead for packing and cleaning.
2. God will provide the funds to make the move on May 5th.
3. God will provide churches and individuals who will commit to take our support level from 30% to 100%. Does He want you to join our team?

We appreciate you,
~Bruce for
Michelle (getting more beautiful), Bryan (19), Nate
(17), Caleb (14), Kaitie (10), and Seth (7)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Cook's Short Order Update

Let's stay in touch:
Facebook Page (Video and text) (Video and text)
Quarterly Prayer Letter Update (we need your physical address)

Reminder: we will eventually stop sending our Short Order Update from our (Michelle's and Bruce's) personal Facebook friends lists and update you through our facebook page at Cooks at Whispering Winds Bible Camp, our blog at, or email from

Our current plan is to be on site at Whispering Winds Bible Camp in Missouri around May 19 of this year. Before that, we need funds to move, Bruce needs to finish 3 tough classes for his graduate program, we need to finish the school year with the kids, we need to pack, and we have to clean our apartment. Praise the Lord for someone who sent us a gift to help cover our moving expenses. Our God is so gracious.

Praise the Lord! Bruce has been working with Brent at Mount Tabor Baptist Church to take his place on the sound system when we leave. Brent will be such a blessing to Mount Tabor.

After meeting with BIM's/WWBC's Interim Director Jay Penner recently, we have our responsibilities lined up for this summer. Bruce will supervise and disciple the Camp Crew and Counselors (high school and college age workers). Also, he will train those who will facilitate the outdoor climbing tower. We praise the Lord for the many hours he has gained in rappelling, high ropes, and high angle rescue in our time at Appalachian Bible College.

As Summer Staff we are stepping out in faith that God will supply our needs. Currently we are at 30%. The BIM Board of Directors is requiring us to resume support-raising at the end of the summer. We praise the Lord for their willingness to let us serve for the summer. Can't wait!!!

Please pray that:
1. God will give us grace in the months ahead as Bruce finishes his graduate studies, we pack to move, we continue our responsibilities here in West Virginia till we move.
2. God will provide the funds to make the move on May 19.
3. God will provide churches and individuals who will commit to take our support level from 30% to 100%. Does He want you to join our team?

We appreciate you,
~Bruce for
Michelle (getting more beautiful), Bryan (19), Nate
(17), Caleb (14), Kaitie (10), and Seth (7)

Freedom of Speech

This typically isn't the type of thing we post here but I encourage you to read this, slowly. It's NOT about Mr. Tebow or a pro-life message or whatever. It's about freedom of speech. Quickly vanishing here...

Washington Post Article

It's snowing. It's beautiful. It's God's way of reminding us that He is in control. As long as there are seasons we can be assured that God is controlling our universe (Dan 2:21).